Thursday, May 6, 2010

Getting ready to take off on our next adventure!

A month from today, my sister and I will be flying to Egypt. Two weeks later, we will fly to Kenya, but I'll write about that in a future post. This will be our 4th trip to Egypt, a country which has become our home away from home. On our first trip to that country, we met some really wonderful people in Cairo, the Bahariya Oasis and in Aswan and we look forward to spending time with them every time we return. In fact, we refer to one of our Cairo friends as our brother.

We never really know exactly what we will be doing when we are in Egypt because we make few if any plans ahead of time. We like the freedom to be spontaneous and feel comfortable enough in Egypt to vacation that way. However, we always make time to have some overnight adventures in the White Desert, one of the most beautiful places on earth (We hope to travel to Siwa this time, which is in far western Egypt (almost in Libya), and to relax in Aswan after the craziness, crowds and noise of Cairo.

Last year we met an interesting older man on Elephantine Island, who had recently purchased a felucca and who offered to take us down the Nile on his boat on our next visit. We would love to spend a couple nights sailing along the Nile and sleeping under the stars, so we will look him up when we get to Aswan if we have not been able to connect with him ahead of time via e-mail.


  1. Since it looks like I don't have access yet to post an original post on my blog, I'll settle for posting the first comment.

    At some point today I realized we would be heading to Egypt in exactly 1 month. There is something about the one month mark that makes it so much more real and ratchets up the intensity of excitement/anticipation of travel. This will be our 4th annual trip to Egypt and in no way is the excitement of getting there diminished. Every year we gain more insight into the culture and our list of friends grows deeper & longer...this makes each future trip more exciting.

    As usual, we plan on heading into the Western Desert with our friends Mohamed &/Shukree. And this year, we hope our friend, Mohamed, will join us on part of our travels. We want to show him around Aswan, a part of Egypt that he has never seen.

  2. Hi You Two
    I am on board with the blogging and very excited to follow your travels. The two adventure girls. Hope this can develop into a more formal travel log maybe for publication. How about it Mary?

    Love Cheryl Phoebe

  3. All the best to both of you on your travels!

  4. Hope we get to hear from you both soon.

  5. We want to hear about Kenya! Hope you had safe travels.
